Dear visitor.
I was born in 1954 in a small village called Hardinxveld about 25 kilometers south- east of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. QTH Locator JO21JT.
I became my novice license in 2012 and started up the radiohobby with only VHF and UHF transceivers.
In 2014 I began to be active on HF, with a Yaesu FT897d tranceiver with a MFJ-929 tuner and a High End Fed antenna for 10 , 20 and 40 meters with a length of 11.85meter
The max output power I use is 100 Watts.
I am a member of the VRZA in the region A16.
When you are Buro member on then I send you allso a paper card via the BURO.
I use E-QSL for FT8 connections.
Met vriendelijke groeten / Bon vent à tous / Best Regards / Tanti Saluti / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Saludos / Saudações / Hopi kumindamentu / Med vänlig hälsning / Ystävällisin terveisin / Beste Wense / Me Xairetismous / Vennlig hilsen / Sve Naj Bolje / Dea bhùioch / مع أطيب التحيات / Bestu kveðjur / Tan Bun / हार्दिक शुभ कामनाएँ / 獻上 最好的問候 / Hamba Kahle / Toate cele bune / Z najlepszymi pozdrowieniami / ד”ש חם (dash cham) / Saygilarimizla /С уважением/
73 Ewoud